How to post ads on free classified app or site

Do you want to promote your business through digital channels? To post free ads online you need to follow certain steps that will help you to post attractive ads for advertising a product or service. Here are some steps, which will assist you to use classified ads site for free:
Registration: Several classified ads sites require user registration before you begin with the process of posting classified ads. During registration, you need to provide some necessary details such as name, email, password, business logo or image. After submitting details, users are sometimes asked to verify their registered email by opening their email and validating their registration by visiting the verification link. In certain cases, this verification link can also be checked in the spam folder of email. Hence, in this way user account is validated appropriately. However, certain classified ad websites or apps require only the contact number of the user for registering with the classified app or site.

Business Registration Form: Business registration form is required by some websites or apps to register their shop on their online platform. This feature is mainly provided by the sites which allow users to register by providing contact number. However, one such app, which provides this feature, is Taahaa classified app. After the approval of the request by admin, you will be authorised to submit classified ad on the site or app. While filling this form, users need to mention the details such as business name, packages, location, business email, contact name and number, product category, and business type.

Submit Ad: This feature allows users to post classified ads for free by providing some necessary details as discussed below.
  • Category Selection: Once you complete your business registration process, you need to select the category of your classified ad. You need to select an appropriate category as well as its sub-category. Most of the classified ad sites provide categories such as jobs, vehicles, fashion, real estate, travel & amusement, household, pets, local shopping, etc.
  • Address Details: You must also provide the address details while submitting ads which include country, province, and city.
  • Description: While selecting a category for a classified ad, you are also required to provide a unique title to your ad along with a brief description of your business, product or service.
  • Price Selection and Image upload: After selecting category, make sure that if you are selling any product or service then you need to mention its price. Once you have mentioned the price of the product or service, you must upload your product image. Several classified ads sites also provide the option of adding URL of your YouTube video along with the description, which demonstrates the service or product or shows working of your product of service.
  • Submit: Once you have entered, all the details properly, click on submit button for posting your classified ad.

Hence, by following the steps mentioned above you can post classified ads in an effective manner by using classified site.


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